Track and Labels - Beta 12
The biggest track library update yet! Includes Hornby, Bachmann, and LGB.
- Added Hornby OO
- Added Bachmann E-Z Track N
- Added Bachmann E-Z Track HO
- Updated LGB G with more R5 curves
I strive to include as many pieces of track in each library as possible, though there are times when I can’t get all the details of the track geometry. If you notice a missing piece of track or if there’s a specific track library you’d like to see, let me know! Simply fill out the feedback form or shoot me an email at Your input helps me prioritize what to work on next!
Parts are now named in a way that reflects the manufacturer’s naming conventions, rather than just the geometry. This is especially helpful for libraries like Lionel FasTrack, where an 18 in R curve might also be known as an O36 Curve.
Additionally, the HO scale has been renamed to HO / OO to accommodate the new Hornby OO track library. Since HO and OO tracks have the same rail spacing, this change ensures better clarity and consistency.